Our little ones will be exposed to distinct art mediums. Classes will also include mixed media, two dimension, and three dimension projects. Here they will touch basic terminology and fundamental techniques.
Ages 6 to 8
1 hour session
per week
$130 / month
Young Master
Classes here are divided in a two month specific focus session. Students will further explore two dimension techniques, mediums and their relationship to art periods. The sessions will be divided by mediums such as charcoal, pencil, oil pastels, watercolor, acrylic, oil and mixed media.
Ages 9 to 12
1.5 hours session
per week
$146 / month
Modern Artist
Students in this session will explore their creativity by techniques learned on previous sessions. They will also explore mediums more in depth from the creation of the medium to the complexity of the use. Courses here are divided in one part group session and another individual creativity that will allow them to focus on a portfolio.
Ages 13 to 17
2 hours session
per week
$162 / month
This class is intended for adults or more mature teenagers. It is an open studio session with specific seminars that vary from preparing the surfaces, different mediums and techniques. Life drawing classes will also be available with an additional model fee.
2 hours session
per week
Open Studio
8 hrs max per week